I luv, Love, LOVE Golfinity. I play it at night. So I would like the game of Golfinity to accommodate my personal needs, whimsy and/or dreams...NIGHT MODE! Aaaaand heres the why: 1) Save *94.8% battery life per hour with a black background as opposed to the now predominately white background now used. (* This percentage has been rounded up to what I thought sounded good for added effect though I think there is truth in there somewhere) 2) Playing with the bright white background at night is like having a flashlight sear my corneas....searing my soul. That makes me sad. 3) Save *strain on my eyes from squinting in the dark as I play (*my eyes have been measured at squinting 94.8% closed...that IS a fact) 4) Going from white to black INCREASES popularity amongst fans of any game. Case and point: the Oakland Raiders went from white to black uniforms and then won Super Bowls. Once again I let science do my talking for me. 5) It would make me happy. THATs another fact. And so in conclusion, I request that everyone wants Night Mode as well.